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Clarity Vision Wood Stove

CA$ 1,699.00

A tiny wood stove with a wide view.

Made in UK, 5 year warranty on parts!

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Clarity Vision is designed to give the widest width and view of the fire whilst keeping the nominal rated output at 5kW. As one of the widest 5kW stoves available in the UK, there are few rivals in this category.

Based on the width and height of it's big brother the Clarity 12, the depth is reduced to 291mm allowing for easier insertion into shallow fireplaces or less intrusion into the room when used free-standing against a wall. At the same time the wide firebox is retained allowing for long logs to be used.

A 5" diameter flue can be used making installation easier and the Vision has a rear heat shield to allow fitting even closer to the wall in freestanding mode, this can be removed for fireplace installations. Please see the owners manual for more information.

Efficiency: 82%

Chimney: 5"

Ultraclean burn

Advances airwash

Heat output: 17k BTUs

Top and rear chimney outlets

Max. log length: 16"


Width: 22.4"

Depth: 10"

Height: 23.6"

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